Frequently Asked Questions

Customer Service & Product Support

I have a problem with a JRC product I have bought.

Please return products to the retailer you purchased them from in the first instance, as they are best placed to help you. Your contract is also with the retailer for the purposes of consumer law.

Do you offer a repairs service?

JRC do not offer repairs directly, but the following service is authorised by the brand to help with your spares and repairs needs.

KP Spares, contact on +44 1527 854756 or at

Sponsorship, Donations, Professional Staff

Does JRC provide sponsorship for individuals?

Thank you for your interest in sponsorship and desire to support the JRC brand. JRC works with a hand-picked team of fishing pro staff who help us with events and product development. We are not looking to expand our sponsorships at this time. We wish you well with your fishing endeavors and appreciate your brand loyalty.

Does JRC provide donations for events?

We receive thousands of requests for donations every year. It is not possible for us to assist with all of them. If you wish to submit a request for a product donation, please send your donation request to If you have not received a response within two weeks of your event this means we were not able to offer support at this time. As you submit your request, please include the following information:

  • Event Sponsor/Organiser
  • A main contact for the donation with their title, phone number, e-mail, & shipping address
  • A brief explanation of the event along with its purpose
  • Event date
  • Who will be attending the event (E.g. Adults, children, students, families, etc.)
  • How many attendees are expected?
  • How will the donation be used?

Miscellaneous Product Information

Can I receive a JRC product catalogue?

The JRC product catalogue is available exclusively online for your convenience.

Does JRC have Decals/Stickers/Patches/Apparel?

Thank you for your interest in our products and proudly displaying our logo. We do not currently offer these products but hope to have some available in the near future.

Why is my item not shown on the web site?

Every year JRC manufactures many different models. We work closely with our retail partners to provide exclusive items sold only through their retail and online storefronts. These exclusive items are not listed on the JRC website but can generally be found on the sites belonging to our customers. Many of the exclusive brand products are very similar to an item on the JRC website but only those products that are available nationwide throughout all retailers are listed on the website. In addition, if a product is discontinued, it may no longer be visible on the website.


How do I submit an idea or invention to JRC for consideration?

Thank you for your interest in sharing an invention idea with JRC. Occasionally we are contacted regarding products and inventions which the submitter hopes may be of value to our business. While some submissions are made without thought of compensation, in other instances the submitter believes their submission will result in JRC having an obligation to provide payment of some kind. We want such persons to protect their interests. At the same time, we must also protect our interests. We maintain a large research staff and various outside consultants to find ways to improve our products and to develop new ones. Thus, it is quite possible one of our own employees or consultants has already conceived of the same or similar idea as that which you wish to submit, or that we have already noted the idea in various trade and scientific publications.

We have found it necessary, therefore, to adopt a uniform policy for the consideration of all ideas, products, and inventions submitted to us by persons outside of our organization. Under this policy, we can consider only those suggestions for which a copy of our Submission Form has been completed. If the terms herein are acceptable to you, please check the appropriate box, sign, and return the form to us by mail or fax along with a description of your idea, product, or invention. Upon receipt, we will then be able to send your input to the appropriate department for consideration. After we have studied your idea and/or proposal, we will contact you if we have interest in pursuing further discussions regarding its commercialization. Please note that we are unable to accept non-patented ideas for which the submitter expects compensation.

Invention Submission Forms can be sent to the following address:

Invention Submission c/o Marketing
7 Science Court
Columbia, SC 29203
United States

Career Opportunities

How do I find out more about career opportunities?

Please visit the Career Section of the Pure Fishing website for information on career opportunities.

Becoming a Dealer

My business is located in the UK. How do I become a retailer/dealer for JRC?

All new account requests are considered on a case by case basis, against our terms of trade and the local market. If you are interested in becoming a dealer or retailer of our products and are located in the UK or Ireland, please contact us at with the following information:

  • Name & brief description of the business
  • Contact name, phone number, e-mail & address (including country)
  • Type of Business
  • Retailer (physical building)
  • E-commerce (internet store)
  • Both retailer & E-commerce
  • Length of time as an operational business
  • Expected annual sales
  • Percentage of annual sales that are currently fishing tackle
  • A listing of fishing tackle brands currently sold by your business

My business is located outside of the UK & Ireland. How do I become a retailer/dealer?

If you are interested in becoming a retailer/dealer of JRC products outside of the UK, please contact the appropriate office listed at